Please note: All images on this blog (except where noted) are original works of Miki Baxter and cannot be duplicated without permission. Also, if you're inspired by a project featured on here, then please link back to me and give proper credit. Thank you!!!


Can't Quite Put Into Words...

I haven't been able to fill the blank page with anything recently.  
No thoughts to write, though I've had plenty of them.  
No emotions to share, though I've had plenty of those too.

Packing, Moving, Unpacking, my mother's health challenges in the midst of all of that have left me.  Quiet.  Prayerful.  and Quiet.

I just found out that Mom is being admitted to the hospital again.  Right now.  Please pray for her and for my family.  Underlying all of this is a peace that comes only from God.  I know He has my Mom and He has me.  It's a lot to take in and process... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
